Ramsay McMichael Consulting
Chartered Building Surveyors | Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers

University of Strathclyde

James Weir Building, University of Strathclyde
University of Strathclyde

The James Weir building is a core facility within the University of Strathclyde within its Glasgow City centre location on Montrose Street.  Standing attached to the main Royal College, the building is B Listed and houses a mixture of large medical science laboratories, engineering laboratories, large lecture rooms and smaller teaching areas along with offices of Academic Staff on the upper floors.  It comprises these mixed uses over it 8eight storeys amounting to approximately 22,500 sqm of floor space.

The building suffered a devastating fire in a 3rd floor chemistry laboratory which took the building out of commission and also rendered the section around the seat of fire unstable and requiring a careful and controlled internal demolition and re-build.  The nature of the construction also allowed the spread of contamination and ACM content throughout the heating and ventilation system and the building was entirely refurbished under a £38M redevelopment scheme.


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